From November 15, 2023 – November 17, 2023, the international conference Engaging Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (ELITE 2023) will take place at Tung Wah College in Hong Kong. The Balthasar-Neumann-Technikum Trier (Germany) will participate with the following contributions by Dr. Eberhard Hüster (OStR).
Modeling of Domain-Specific Competence among Technicians (EQF 6) at Higher Education Facilities in Germany and Integration thereof in Ackerman’s PPIK Theory as a possible Framework
Dr. Eberhard Huester (OStR)
Balthasar Neumann Technikum Trier (BNT Trier)
Paulinstrasse 105
D-54292 Trier (Germany)
The present study focuses on the structure of domain-specificcompetence among technicians (EQF 6) at vocational schools inGermany. In a smaller sample (n=243), domain-specific competence had already emerged as a multidimensional construct. Domain-specific competence can be subdivided into content knowledge and analytic problem-solving competence. Content knowledge turned out to be a two-dimensional construct and analytic problem-solving competence a five-dimensional construct. Content knowledge and fluid intelligence showed significant standardized regressions on the dimensions of problem solving. The regressions of content knowledge on problem solving were the strongest (cf. Walker & Huester, 2022). Can the structure of domain-specific competence be confirmed in the larger sample? And how can the students‘ professional interest be adequately taken into account according to Holland (1997)? Six colleges (EQF 6) participated in the pretest (n=375). Most of the data was collected via the digital learning platform Moodle. The data analysis is performed using SEM with Mplus. Results: Content knowledge and analytical problem-solving competence are multidimensional. The highest regressions in terms of analytical problem-solving competence are obtained for multidimensional content knowledge as outlined in the PPIK theory (Ackerman, 1996).
Keywords: vocational interests/ competencies/ knowledge/ problem solving/ structural equation model/ PPIK theory
The Structure of Vocational Interests of Future Technicians (EQF 6) in Mechanical Engineering for Interpreting Technical Drawings
Dr. Eberhard Huester (OStR)
Balthasar Neumann Technikum
Trier (BNT Trier)
Paulinstrasse 105
D-54292 Trier (Germany)
JProf. Dr. Hannes Saas
Junior Professor of Vocational Education and Training with a Focus on Digital Transformation
Department of Educational Science
Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
Erwin Schrödinger Straße
Bld. 57 | R. 465
D-67663 Kaiserslautern
The present quantitative analysis of empirical research focuses on the structure of professional interests of technicians (EQF 6). A study with a larger sample is already available (cf. Huester, 2023, pp.192-200).
Hypothesis: With regard to technicians, can the hexagonal structure of occupational interests according to Holland (1997) also be identified as a circumplex using a structural equation model? The structure of occupational interests is investigated using SEM models from other studies (cf. Nagy, 2005). The present study was conducted at six technical colleges in a longitudinal control experimental group design (n=243) in regular classes. Data analysis was performed with SEM using Mplus software. Results: Vocational interests can be represented as a quasi-complex, thus maintaining the RIASEC model. In further research, these findings can be integrated into PPIK theory. Then, it can also be shown whether there is an influence of vocational interests on domain-specific competence.
Keywords: vocational interests/ competencies/ knowledge/ problem solving/ structural equation model/ PPIK theory